Tuesday, October 13, 2009

09 Summer - Canterbury Bell

Earlier this year, Phil and I bought a rare, perennial canterbury bell and planted it in the garden bed, where we had recently pulled up an echium that had taken over the trail at the top, left of the staircase up the hillside.

I must admit this canterbury bell has exceeded all of my expectations. It grows and grows and weekly sends up gorgeous whitish purple flowers faster than I can count them.

Monday, October 12, 2009

091010 - Tic, Tac and Toe

I was asleep in the chair next to this one when Phil came home Saturday afternoon. Tic, Tac and Toe did their best "to stay up with me" while I gardened earlier that day in the backyard, but they apparently had had a busy night and were ready for a nap at the same time as me.

09 Summer - Queen Cleomes

Here are photos of the two queen cleomes we planted late last year. They are likely four feet by four feet and are clearly covered in blooms. Phil and I were surprised that they not only over-wintered so well, but have bloomed for months now.

09 Summer - Jasmine

We bought a small jasmine vine three or so years ago and installed it in full shade in a large pot against the fence separating our backyard from the fride (FRont sIDE) garden. It is now over six feet tall and about half as wide, growing faster every summer now that it has made it over the fence into sunlight.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

091011 - Aster

This is the first and maybe only aster to bloom this year.

To read how difficult it was this late summer to grow these as well as the amaranth and cosmos, jump to this post on the blog:


Friday, October 2, 2009

09 Summer - White Love-in-the-Mist

The love-in-the-mist were spectacular this year. Just one plant from last year provided enough seeds to scatter several dozen love-in-the-mists across the backyard. Most of the larger plants came up as seedlings in November and December, 2008, and bloomed in early summer.

I found only two with white flowers, both plants smaller than the others and blooming several weeks after most had started to go to seed.